
The Falcons School for Girls regards any form of bullying as harmful and unacceptable. We believe that everyone has a right to feel safe. The school does not tolerate bullying of any kind.

All of the staff and pupils at The Falcons School for Girls abide by the school’s anti-bullying oath, the Power of One:

I will not bully others

I will not stand by while others are bullied

I will report bullying whenever I see it

Because I have the Power of One

Inspectors have praised behaviour at Falcons Girls:

Throughout the school, pupils demonstrate an exemplary moral compass and they understand right from wrong, abiding by the school’s Falcon Rules as well as the fundamental values of society. Pupils show an excellent understanding of acceptable behaviours, both locally and nationally, and debate the impact of British Law through provocative topics such as the ethics of criminal records. The effects of this are apparent; pupls across the age range behave impeccably and are seen to treat each other with respect. Children in EYFS value one another during their play, while lower school pupils maturely debate scenarios and how they could best resolve arguments. Pupils instinctively support each other, for example by stopping to talk to someone on the buddy bench. The school oath is successful in uniting the community and ensuring that all are valued and accepted. This concurs with the views of parents… all agreed that the school actively promotes good behaviour. (ISI, March 2020)