Falcons School uniform is provided by Perrys and must be purchased from them.
All uniform should be clearly labelled. There is a lost property box in the School Office. At the end of each term, any lost property items not claimed will be donated to the Parents’ and Friends’ Association second hand uniform stock.
Pupils in Year 1 to 4 swim all year. Reception pupils start swimming in the Summer Term. Pupils in Nursery, Year 5 and Year 6 do not attend swimming lessons at school.
Only jewellery dictated by faith may be worn. Pupils are not allowed to wear earrings other than stud earrings. For safety reasons all jewellery must be removed during activities, for example P.E, when it could cause harm to the children. Hair must be a natural colour and neither extreme in style or length. Only plain blue or tartan, functional hair accessories are allowed.
Pupils should bring the following items in a pencil case:
Pupils do not require coloured pencils or felt-tip pens. Please do not include ink-eraser pens or ‘liquid paper’, as these eradicate errors – and our approach is that pupils learn from their mistakes.
The school provides all exercise books. Additional equipment, e.g. compasses, is provided in class and on loan when required for homework.